In what country will Australia purchase a nuclear submarine?

Instead of purchasing a U.S. Navy submarine, Australia is better off partnering with the United Kingdom and purchasing an Astute-class submarine. 030521-D-9078S-001 (May 21, 2003) -- This conceptual drawing shows…

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This U.S. Navy battleship survived two typhoons (and survived).

BB-65's crew endured another storm six months after Typhoon Cobra and Okinawa. The USS Wisconsin faced typhoons twice: Evacuate before significant storms like hurricanes or typhoons, but they can't always…

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Nukes! Iowa-Class Battleships: Nuclear Bomb “Bullets”?

Operation Katie was the program. Battleships were to use Army tactical nuclear shells. Several attempts to unretire the remaining U.S. Navy or Iowa-class battleships have succeeded. Could those battleships…

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An Account Of The Navy’s Warning Activation Of Three Missile Submarines At Once

In 2000, China's People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) had access to around one hundred different ships. The PLAN navy doubled in size between 1995 and 2005, expanding to more than…

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Japan’s Attempt To Use Miniature Submarines To Attack Pearl Harbor

One of the minisubs may have hit the USS West Virginia battleship at Pearl Harbor, based on at least circumstantial evidence. USS Arizona in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. Image…

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